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[학교소식] 겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스, (온해피) 몽골 옵스도지사 방문 (Eng ver. included)



“겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스, (온해피) 몽골 옵스도지사 방문”



❏ 지난 10월 27일(금) 몽골의 밧볼트 옵스도지사가 공익법인 온해피를 통해 겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스에 방문했다. 겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스는 지난 9월 공익법인 온해피와 글로벌 인재 양성, 지역사회 공헌 및 발전을 위한 협력체계를 구축하고 상호 발전을 위한 업무협약(MOU)을 체결하였다. 

❏ 이번 밧볼트 몽골 옵스도지사 방문은 겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스 총장실 및 IGC 시설에서 진행되었으며, 옵스도의회 재무 부서장 겸 여성협의회 회장인 일덴 수렌, 도의회 구의장인 차간하르한을 포함하여 19여명이 참석하였다.

❏ 이번 행사를 통해 겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스와 몽골 옵스 도지사는 ▲유럽 벨기에의 선진교육 프로그램 탐방 및 몽골 교육 접목 방안 검토 ▲몽골 학생의 겐트대 글로벌캠퍼스 입학을 위한 계획 ▲국비 장학생 지원 계획 논의 ▲기타 협력관계 활성화 등을 함께해 나아갈 예정이다. 

❏ 몽골의 밧볼트 옵스도지사는 “세계적 명문대인 겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스에 와서 감회가 새롭다”며 “향후 많은 몽골학생이 겐트대학교에 입학할 수 있도록 지원하겠다”고 밝혔다. 

❏ 한태준 겐트대학교 총장은 “현재 겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스는 국제 학생 유치를 위해 노력하고 있다”며 “향후 많은 몽골 학생들이 겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스를 찾았으면 좋겠다.”고 밝혔다. 

❏ 한편 겐트대학교는 현재 2024학년도 3월학기 신입생 모집 중에 있으며, 자세한 내용은 입학홈페이지(https://admissions.ghent.ac.kr)을 통해 확인할 수 있다. 


The Governor of Uvs Province, Mongolia (Onhappy) visited Ghent University Global Campus


❏ Through the nonprofit foundation Onhappy, Mr. Batbold, the governor of Uvs Province, Mongolia, paid a visit to the Ghent University Global Campus on Friday, October 27. In September of last year, the Ghent University Global Campus signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for mutual development with Onhappy, a nonprofit foundation, and built a partnership mechanism for growing global talent and contributing to and developing local communities.


❏ Governor Batbold of Uvs Province paid a visit to the Ghent University Global Campus and IGC facilities. Suren Ilden, the Provincial Council's Director of Finance Division and Chairman of the Women's Association, as well as Chagan Harehan, the Provincial Council's District Chairman, were among the 19 guests in attendance.


❏ During this event, the governor of Uvs Province, Mongolia, and Ghent University Global Campus will talk about: ▲Examination of the advanced education program in Europe and the integration plans with Mongolian education ▲Plans for admission of Mongolian students to Ghent University Global Campus ▲Discussion of the government scholarship student support plan ▲Other cooperation activities etc. will continue together.


❏ "It is a pleasure to come to Ghent University Global Campus, a world-class university," stated Mr. Batbold, the governor of Mongolia's Uvs Province. He added, "In the future, I will support many Moglian students to enter Ghent University."


❏ Taejun Han, President of Ghent University, said, “Currently, Ghent University Global Campus is making efforts to attract international students,” and added, “I hope that many Mongolian students will visit Ghent University Global Campus in the future.”


❏ Ghent University is still accepting new applicants for the 1st semester of year 2024, and for more details check out the Ghent University web page(https://admissions.ghent.ac.kr).


