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[학교소식] 겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스, 제1회 월드헬스시티포럼 참여 (Eng ver. included)



겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스, 제 1회 월드헬스시티포럼 참여



 겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스는 지난 22일 오전 인천 연수구 송도컨벤시아에서 열린 제1회 월드헬스시티포럼에 참여하였다. 

❏ 포럼은 인천시와 인천경제자유구역청, 서울대학교, 이화여자대학교, 연세대학교 등이 공동 주최하고 사단법인 월드헬스시티포럼이 주관하였다. 이번 포럼에서는 ‘위험의 세계화, 어떻게 세계를 더 안전하게 만들것인가?’라는 주제로 총 150여 명의 학자, 전문가, 정부 관계자, 기업인 등이 참석하였다. 

❏ 프로그램은 ▲분팽 폼말라이싯 라오스 보건부 장관의 ‘혁신적인 아시아 보건 전략: 스마트 헬스 시티 비전’기조연설 ▲콜린얀센 겐트대학교 교수의 ‘지속가능발전 전략으로서 스마트 건강 도시 접근’기조연설 ▲한태준 겐트대학교 총장을 좌장으로한 ‘메가 리스크에 직면한 인류의 복지를 위한 접근 방법’토론 ▲제1회 월드헬스시티포럼 스마트건강도시 대학생 공모전 시상식 ▲인천 선언 선포식 순으로 진행되었다. 

❏ 특히 논문 피인용지수 세계 상위 1%에 선정된 해양환경 및 기후 대응 분야의 세계적 석학인 콜린 얀센 벨기에 겐트대 마린유겐트연구소장은 기조연설에서 “바다는 다양한 생태계를 포함하고 있고 기후변화에서 발생하는 열에너지의 97%를 흡수하는 등 우리에게 많은 혜택을 주고 있다.”며 “현재 대량포획, 플라스틱, 기후변화로 인한 수온변화 등의 문제가 있지만 해양 생태계와 도시 사이의 상호작용을 고려하여 건강한 바다를 위해 함께 연구했으면 좋겠다”고 밝혔다.

❏ 한편 겐트대학교는 현재 2024학년도 3월학기 신입생 모집 중에 있으며, 자세한 내용은 입학 홈페이지(https://admissions.ghent.ac.kr)을 통해 확인할 수 있다. 


“Ghent University Participated in the first World Health City Forum”


❏ Ghent University Global Campus participated in the first World Health City Forum on the morning of the 22nd, which was hosted at Songdo Convensia in Yeonsu-gu, Incheon.


❏ The World Healthy City Forum organized the forum, which was co-hosted by Incheon City, the Incheon Free Economic Zone Authority, Seoul National University, Ewha Womans University, and Yonsei University. Around 150 academics, professionals, government officials, and entrepreneurs came to this symposium on the subject of "Globalization of Risk: How Can We Increase Global Security?”


❏ The program was held in the following order: ▲Keynote speech by Lao Minister of Health Bounfeng Phoummalaysith on ‘Innovative Strategy on Asian Health: Smart Health City Vision’ ▲Keynote speech by Professor Colin Janssen of Ghent University on ‘Approaching Smart Healthy Cities as a Sustainable Development Strategy’ ▲Discussion on ‘Approaches for Human Well-Being in the Face of Mega-Risks' moderated by Han Tae-jun, President of Ghent University ▲Award Ceremony for the Students Who Won the First World Health City Forum Smart Healthy City University Student Contest ▲The Incheon Declaration Proclamation Ceremony.


❏ At a keynote address, Colin Jansen, a well-known researcher in the field of marine environment and climate response who was ranked in the world’s top 1% in paper citation index and the head of the MarineUGent Research Institute at Ghent University in Belgium, specifically stated, "The ocean contains various ecosystems and also provides us with numerous advantages, such as absorbing 97% of the heat energy generated from climate change." He said, “We hope on working together for a healthy ocean by taking into consideration the interaction between marine ecosystems and cities. Currently, there are problems such as mass fishing, plastic, and water temperature changes caused by climate change.”


❏ Ghent University is still accepting new applicants for the 1st semester of year 2024, and for more details check out the Ghent University web page(https://admissions.ghent.ac.kr)

